Yoga provides many benefits to our health, including to cardiac health. Studies have shown a variety of ways that yoga practice can positively benefit heart health. The guidance of a competent and knowledgeable teacher is an important aspect of this. Let’s look at some of the ways yoga can lead to positive outcomes for cardio health.

A cardiac condition known as atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with high rates of mortality and healthcare costs. One study shows that yoga improves the symptoms of AF, showing a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure as a result. Hypertension is a condition which is prevalent in society despite widespread awareness of the issue. In one study, a 12-week course of yoga produced a noticeable decrease in blood pressure.

By reducing stress, yoga can also help those who are in a stage of prehypertension. Decreasing the risk factors for cardiovascular disease is also important. Yoga reduces the risk factors associated with developing cardiovascular disease. Exercise is a widely acknowledged contributor to heart health, but some heart patients have co-morbidities that prevent them from participating in traditional exercise programs. The flexibility and individualization possible in a yoga program, from gentle, chair-based to more continuous flow classes, can be a good choice for hard to reach populations.

Yoga is becoming more and more popular each year, with over 30 million people reporting a practice of at least once a week. Studies indicate the health benefits of yoga, particularly for cardiac health. More studies are needed to solidify the place of yoga in a healthy lifestyle. Comment below to let us know what your experience has been using yoga for health benefits. Was there a specific condition that you sought to treat with yoga? Thanks, and we’ll see you on the mat!

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